Campbelltown Village Square

Vil-Lage: Noun. A small settlement usually found in a rural setting. A village must have both a place of worship and A CENTRAL MEETING POINT.

The Village of Campbelltown has a rich, established history that dates back over 250 years. A passionate community, with a population that is stronger than ever, has begun to reclaim and revitalize Campbelltown’s identity.

What better way to help secure Campbelltown’s place in history than with a Village Square? Many residents of Campbelltown over the years have shared this vision.


A centrally located Village Square anchored by two more than 200-year-old buildings.


A larger community park. Imagine walking trails connecting most of Campbelltown with the existing network of severed walking trails and sidewalks to the north and south of Route 322.


Over four acres of new public park space connecting to over 40 acres of open space in the center of Campbelltown.


A restored arched-roof dairy barn in the backdrop of an outdoor farmer’s market with a landmark silo visible to travelers heading east or west along Route 322.


New businesses in rustic agricultural buildings that have distinctive architectural features that honor historic buildings on the original farm and throughout Campbelltown and Lebanon County.


Campbelltown Village Square Logo

Background and Overview Video

Watch this video introducing Campbelltown Village Square and the vision behind the community development. Locals that currently or formerly resided in Campbelltown including Don Rhoads Jr., Susan and Steve Alger, Paster Dwight Hein, Pat and Ed Krebs, and Kay Schreckengast share some thoughts.

It Takes a Village…

After about a year of initial research and planning, a Down on The Farm Community Planning Party was held at the 200-year-old farm to connect with the greater Campbelltown community on October 25, 2023. Over 1,700 invitations were sent, and there was a great turnout: thank you to all who attended! Those who were not able to attend will have the same opportunity to provide feedback. The presentation was filmed, and the surveys throughout the website contain the same design boards from the event for community input.

Community Event Presentation Video

Watch this presentation delivered at the Community Planning Party Event on 10/25/23 by the design team members, including Robert Northfield with BCT Design, David Tshudy with PepperTroutman, Craig Mellot with Traffic Planning, and Desing and Adam Davis with Hyland Engineering.

Next Steps

The feedback from the event and this website will be used to finalize a conceptual plan to submit to South Londonderry Township for approvals. The approval process requires additional community involvement via public meetings. If you have additional questions or feedback to provide, please do not hesitate to send us an email. Thank you so much for taking the time to be involved!

…Be a part of History!

Campbelltown Village Square can help meet the needs of our community in so many ways. It takes a village, please HELP!

Take Ownership as a Community Crowdfund

Options are being explored to allow the community to own the project. Thanks to recent laws, an SEC Regulation A Offering or “Crowdfund” does not restrict investors based on income or net worth requirements. In other words, a Crowdfund offering will allow community members to contribute an investment as low as $2,500 and potentially even less. The goal with this section is to gauge interest in exploring such an offering if the project gains adequate community support to be approved and built. This is not an offering for investment opportunities at this time, but if you would be interested in investing, please let us know by completing the form below. You may be contacted if there is sufficient interest then you would have the opportunity to review more thorough disclosures before deciding to make an investment.

Crowdfunding Interest Form